Where to find us?
1468 Sawyer Hollow Road. West Fulton, NY 12194
From Cobleskill, NY area: West Main St/NY-10 south/ NY-7 west to County Route 4/ West Fulton Road for 8 1/2 miles. Stop at Sawyer Hollow Road and park.
From Middleburgh, NY and Route 30 South:
Take route 30 south to the West Fulton Road (Co Rt 4) for
3 1/2 miles. Stop at Sawyer Hollow Road and park.
Using Google Maps, get directions to
the postcode above (do not be alarmed if the town is changed to "Richmondville"). GPS often does not get you here so do use Google Maps or find your way to Middleburgh or Cobleskill and follow the directions above.
Essentially, you're aiming for a collection of houses
that feels like it's in the middle of nowhere (the town isn't
signed), but historically, this collection of houses IS West
Fulton and all the other towns around here are just tagging
Parking is along the road, or in the park, or if there are parking signs please follow them.
Mobile phone reception is non existent here, so chances are that if you get lost, you're not going to reach us. Just keep
driving even though it seems you must be lost; it’s the only
way to be found. I recommend stopping and asking people
"Where is West Fulton?" and you'll get some help. Watch out
for the deer too, there are a lot around here and they like
goose-stepping across the road.
(Click on map to right for Google directions).
Got Snail Mail for Us?
P.O. Box 4 . West Fulton, NY 12194
T: 914-388-2516
E: panthercreekarts@gmail.com
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